Transition from old syllbi to New syllbi-DIPIETE(old)

Trasnsition from old to new for DIPIETE students
A. For Computer Science
Those students who are left with 5 or less than 5 compulsory subjects they can migrate
from old to new as per the following:-
1) For subjects in which there is equivalent in the new scheme they have to appear in the
equivalent subject of the new scheme
2) Where there is no equivalent i.e. DC02 and DC07 students should appear in any of the
following – DC52, DC58 or DC60.
3) Those students who have been left with DC03, DC05 they should appear in DC53 and any
one from DC52,DC58 or DC60
4) If they have passed in anyone from DC03, DC05 they have to appear in DC53.
5) Those students who are left with DC09 they have to appear in DC66.
For students who have been left with Electives only
They should appear
• In the equivalent elective in the new scheme
• Where there is no equivalent elective they have to appear in DC67, DC68, DC69,
DC70, DC71 except DC66
Except DC66 any other elective can be taken from DC65 to DC71.
For those students who are left with 5 or less than 5 compulsory subjects and electives
they have to follow the above said pattern.
B. For ET students
Those students who are left with 5 or less than 5 compulsory subjects they can migrate
from old to new as per the following:-
1) For subjects in which there is no equivalent in the new scheme i.e DE02, DE03 they
have to appear in any of the following DE60, DE63.
2) If they are left with both DE05, DE06 they should appear in DE52 and any one from
DE60, DE63.
If they are left with any one of DE05, DE06 they should appear in DE52.
If they are left with DE10 they should appear in DE53.
For students who have been left with Electives only
They should appear:
• In the equivalent elective in the new scheme
• Where there is no equivalent elective i.e. DE14, DE16, DE17, DE20 they have to
appear in any of the following i.e. DE66, DE67, DE70.
For students left with one or two labs and project in ET/CS they have to appear for the
same labs and project from the old scheme only.
The above conditions are applicable upto Dec 2011 exams only after which all
students irrespective of the number of papers left will have to migrate to new scheme as per
the comparative statement.
For students left with more than 5 compulsory subjects in both ET/CS they will have to
migrate to the new scheme and follow the comparative statement.
