
Showing posts from April, 2012


#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class EMPLOYEE { private:            c har employeenumber[10],employeename[10];             float basic,DA,IT,netsal; public: void readdata(); void calculatenetsal(); void display(); }; void EMPLOYEE::readdata( ) { cout<<"ENTER THE EMPLOYEE NUMBER AND NAME"; cin>>employeenumber>>employeename; cout<<"enter basic salary"; cin>>basic; } void EMPLOYEE::calculatenetsal() { float grosssal; DA=(52*basic)/100; grosssal=basic+DA; IT=(30*grosssal)/100; netsal=grosssal-IT; } void EMPLOYEE::display() { cout<<:name="<<employeename<<"number="<<employeenumber<<"netsal"<<netsal; } void main() { int n,i; cout<<"enter the number of employees"; cin>>n; EMPLOYEE emp[10]; cout<<"enter the employee data"; for(i=0;i<n;i++) emp[i].readdata(); for(i...


Read-Only Memory (ROM) One major type of memory that is used in PCs is called  read-only memory , or  ROM  for short. ROM is a type of memory that normally can only be read, as opposed to RAM which can be both read and written. There are two main reasons that read-only memory is used for certain functions within the PC: Permanence:  The values stored in ROM are always there, whether the power is on or not. A ROM can be removed from the PC, stored for an indefinite period of time, and then replaced, and the data it contains will still be there. For this reason, it is called  non-volatile storage . A hard disk is also non-volatile, for the same reason, but regular RAM is not. Security:  The fact that ROM cannot easily be modified provides a measure of security against accidental (or malicious) changes to its contents. You are not going to find viruses infecting true ROMs, for example; it's just not possible. (It's technically possible with  erasa...